Wednesday 7 March 2007

How to be a BUG blogger...

Welcome to Coffs BUG Blog - an interactive online journal and forum for our BUG members running alongside our Coffs BUG website . It is a way for BUG members, in between meetings and rides, to communicate about all things BUG and all things cycling. (Here's some more info on what a blog is.)

Any BUG member can contribute a post, and anyone can comment to give feedback on whatever has been posted. What is a post? It is basically just a journal entry, and it can be commentary, opinion, news, ideas, thoughts, links to interesting "stuff" ... whatever! As you can see, photos can be added as well.

The easiest method (at this stage) for members to contribute a 'post' is to email their post in any sort of document to trace(at) (replace the (at) with the @ symbol). Tracey will post it up for you as soon as possible - most likely same day. Photos should be attached separately in the email... and you should indicate in the text where you want which photos to be placed.

(If you are already familiar with blogging, or not fazed by working your way through such stuff, you could post your own posts. Talk to Tracey or John on one of the rides about getting the passwords and such.)

As the blog grows, we'll get a feel for the sort of categories of posts we have, label them, and then put a list of categories in the sidebar so that you can click on them and find posts on a particular theme.

Any photos of BUG rides would be terrific to post up. As you will see from the example post I did earlier the smaller photo in the body of the post links to a bigger size/resolution one - so it's fine to send a large size photo. [If you have some good photos, but only a dial-up connection I'll happily call in sometime and collect them on a usb-drive or cd] As the new website 'apprentice' (and on the lookout for more BUG photos) the better resolution you can give me photos in, the better, so that I can crop them down to the size required. If they are taken or given to me in a low resolution, I can't make them bigger!!

If you don't want to post, that's fine too. There is a comment feature at the end of each post (Select 'other', and use your first name..) Blog posters love to get feedback so have a go, and make them feel "loved". And this blog is all about conversation!

BUG Website Apprentice & Blogmeister.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Tracey :-)))
I'm sure your efforts will have very rewarding results. There are lots of people out there who are just waiting to spread the word about the wonderful experience of riding bicycles. Its a pity the politicians are hesitant about putting cycling as the No1 priority on their campaign ticket.
cheers Rick

10 March, 2007 20:37  
Blogger Annette said...

Congratulations Tracy on getting the site up


12 March, 2007 07:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have just finished converting a 8 speed bike to a single speed. The fingers keep reaching for the gear change but they have gone. Will be a good challenge to adapt to.

26 June, 2007 14:00  

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