Wednesday 1 July 2009

The W&S Adventure Continues #5

Fitzroy Crossing, WA (email dated 27 Jun 2009)

Well, our compatriots were not drawn into the quartz seam and never seen again. Instead, they communicate from an alien, and sad-sounding place in our very own Heartland. Herewith your reporter cites:

"Hi! all, here for 2 days, had 3 hard days ride,100km each day, to get here, 2 days into a headwind - but we made it. Getting stronger by the day. Camped the 2nd night out on top of a cliff, the sunrise and sunset were magnificent.

The shops and businesses here are all heavily barred, even the church, and there's a total ban on all takeaway alcohol - a bit sad. Wally left the road yesterday for only 1 metre and pulled 40 burrs out of his tyres, we now have thornproofs in.

Our tent is slowly deteriorating, if it gets any worse we'll just buy another cheap one in Broome. 4 more days riding and we'll be in Broome in a cabin for 4 days - that will be pure luxury. We're staying at a resort c/park where they charge $40 for 2 steak burgers and you have to search for the steak and yet this is a huge beef area.

Happy riding, Sue and Wally"

Aren't they wonderful? I wonder if it is the headwinds or Wally and Sue that are getting stronger day by day. I suspect both.

Their email says it all, so I have left it unedited.

Till next time, happy trails,


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